Monday, January 10, 2011

The Night Before Rome....

-Before I even start to try and attempt  at starting a Blog, I need to vent... REALLY AUBRUN!!! I was praying that Oregon would have just beat the living hell out of Auburn... That was not the way I was hoping the night would go.  But! The final night went great, had lots of fun with the family friends, and a few of my close friends as well that came out.  We all had a great time regardless the outcome of the game.
-It's weird that I left Boise last friday, and now I'm leaving Utah tomorrow morning bright and early at 6 am... this little time here in Utah has gone by so fast I haven't been able to catch up!  When my badass cousin and his wife come into town along w/ my best friend Brad ( I really hope you didn't break your shoulder at Basin this weekend... Although you were in Beast mode for finishing the day out! I would have crawled to the lodge and just...drank the pain away)  for the weekend,  you know it's going to be out of control!!
- It's weird that I am leaving tomorrow, I'm already home sick for Boise, I miss all my friends and can't stop thinking about scooting around all Spring!  Spring and summer are my most favorite times of the year in Boise, and not being able to rally and heckle the crap out of the LAX team this year really bust my balls!  BUT, I'm going to Rome so...NBD

- As I board that plane tomorrow I'm going to be leaving behind the new seasons of Jersey Shore, Tosh.0, Friday Night Lights, Big Bang Theory, etc (if any of you tell me what happens in any of these so help me god I will SOYF), but in reality I could care less.  I can't wait to start a new life in a new country, even though it's only a short amount of time, I really can't wait to travel Europe and get fat as hell!
-Well...I think thats all i have for tonight, I can't wait for tomorrow!!
Good Night and... I think it's... Buonanotte! (Smiley Face)

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